R.C. Freedom Ministries, Inc.

"Excellence in Ministry Through Education"
Celebrating 20Years of Ministry
R. C. Freedom Ministries, Inc.
“Therefore, if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” John 8:36
Twenty years ago, R. C. Freedom Ministries, Inc. was officially incorporated on April 21, 2004, and gained non-profit status on November 22, 2004. The ministry was birthed out of the heart of God to provide education and training to help those involved in ministry to freely become the persons God created them to be through clinical pastoral education, pastoral/spiritual care, jail ministry workshops and seminars, and growth groups. Since then, we have been blessed to provide quality ministry to make a difference in the lives of God’s people and our communities.
The ministry in this vineyard would not have been possible without the support of our students, The Association for Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE) Certified Educators, Preceptors, volunteers such as our Board of Directors (past and present), Professional Advisory Group (past and present), financial and other supporters.
We celebrate and thank God for the blessing of our journey together over these many years. As a testament to the grace of God and the ministry God allowed us to accomplish, we celebrate the following.

CPE Students: 511
CPE Units: 511
Clinical Hours: 167,114
Patients: 263,295
Hospice Patients: 25,492
Hospital Patients: 129,438
Staff & Family Members: 5,487
Individuals Facing Long Term Incarceration: 18,008
Young Adults: 9,131
Youth: 887
Youth Incarcerated: 700
Clergy Counseling/Congregation Members: 40,013
Veterans/Military: 32,083
Law Enforcement: 1,353
Other/Counseling: 703